As the Revolution consolidates its power and drives its roots into the ashes left over from the Cuban democratic institutions, anti-religious sentiments held by some people for a while are released under the new communist system of persecution, and people of faith find themselves increasingly targeted by the new government and its supporters. As Julio Antonio continues his attempts to untangle the spider’s web of intelligence uncove...
We are excited to announce that the newest book by Dr. del Marmol, ISIS: the Genetic Conception. This true story reaches back in time to the first seeds that sprung up into the group we know today as ISIS. A variety of conspiracies and government inaction contributed to this modern horror, and our master spy himself was watching it all unfold! Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol, a freedom fighter and a master spy, has been iden...
Covering the years of 1959 and 1960, this book touches on the cruel and deranged occult beginnings of the Cuban Revolution. Starting with the horrendous crimes committed before very young children, this tumultuous time creates the most unexpected creature to develop first into a military leader and then into the youngest spy in Cuba: Julio Antonio del Marmol. Circumstances and his personal integrity propel him into the shadowy lif...
Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol has authored many works regarding his experiences growing up in Cuba and after almost thirty years finally fleeing that regime. This is one that tells his story from the beginning as a young boy, and details the rise of Castro and Che and the real truth behind what they say and do behind the scenes. Now available to order, Cuba, Russian Roulette of the World details the corruption of the leaders as well a...
The Zipper has been released, online and in bookstores. The Cuban Lightning: The Zipper is the true story of a spy asked by the intelligence services to secretly print U.S. currency to finance covert operations all over the world. A young man grew up in Cuba, escaped the Castro regime to the United States, became a spy and a freedom fighter, worked with intelligence services all around the world, and finally became part of the large...